
"Firefly and Flame"
by gengee

Careful, Sweet Firefly
you hover too close;
intent on a meltdown,
chancing labels of absurdity;
willing to sacrifice your pride
to fancy yourself inside That Flame.

"Don't burn yourself; Sweet Firefly;
remember how fragile you are."
Firefly falls in love with Flame.
She's never seen a vision such as he.
His light intensifies her own...
So, circling slowly in his radiance,
she watched his glow Shoot Up!
And Firefly pulled back...
then bent inevitably to That Flame,
mesmerized by his seductive dance.

He pulsed and throbbed, then steadied on....
dodging all attempts of definition and capture.
Firefly was beyond caring; and trembling,
blinked her own radiance into him;
Until, hungrily: Flame licked Firefly with his heat...
She swam in his illumination.

Another new picture from an Italian tabloid ....goatee and all!

Thanks to Cenza and Margot from Australia, here are the most recent pictures of Leonardo and Kristen from an Australian magazine.

Here are the newest pictures from the July issue of Cosmopolitan.

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